Publications ============ Computer science [and] education ------------------------------- * **Write like Cicero: Integrating an AI-based Classifier in Ancient Language Teaching for Idiom Acquisition**, D. Cavaleri, M. Hersch, A. Kolde, *Journal of Classics Teaching*, 2024, `open acces `_. * **Informatique et durabilité, une difficle transposition didactique**, B. de Goër, M. Hersch*, S. Quinton*, *Didapro 10*, 2024, `open access `_ * **Modulo, des moyens d'enseignement de l'informatique à visée participative**, B. Petreska von Ritter, ..., M. Hersch. *Petit x*, 2023 `open access `_, `pdf file <_static/papers/petitx_modulo.pdf>`_ . * **Informatique scolaire, entre outil pratique et discipline scientifique**, M. Hersch, Mémoire de master, 2012, HEP Vaud, `pdf file <_static/papers/hersch2012informatique.pdf>`_. Biological self-organization and information processing ------------------------------------------------------- * **Mechanical forces drive ordered patterning of hair cells in the mammalian inner ear**, Roie Cohen, Liat Amir-Zilberstein, Micha Hersch, Shiran Woland, Shahar Taiber, Fumio Matsuzaki, Sven Bergmann, Karen B. Avraham, David Sprinzak. *Nature Communications* , 2020, `open access. `_ * **High capacity in G protein-coupled receptor signaling** , A Keshelava*, G.P. Solis*, M. Hersch*, A. Koval, M. Kryuchkov, S. Bergmann, V.L. Katanaev, *Nature Communications* ,2018, `open access . `_ * **Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning** , O. Shaya, U. Binshtok, M. Hersch, D. Rivkin, S. Weinreb, L. Amir-Zilberstein, B. Khamaisi, O. Oppenheimer, R.A. Desai, R.J. Goodyear, G.P. Richardson, C.S. Chen, D. Sprinzak, *Developmental Cell*, 2017, `open access . `_ * **Pom1 gradient buffering through intermolecular auto-phosphorylation**, M. Hersch*, O. Hachet*, S. Dalessi, P. Bhatia, P.P. Ullal, S. Bergmann, S. Martin, *Molecular Systems Biology*, 2015, 11(7) `open access . `_ Plant cognition --------------- * **Changes in resource partitioning between and within organs support growth adjustment to neighbor proximity in Brassicaceae seedlings**, M de Wit*, GM George*, YC Ince, B. Dankwa-Egli, M. Hersch, SC. Zeeman, and Ch. Fankhauser, *PNAS*, 2018, `open access `_. * **Light Intensity Modulates the Regulatory Network of the Shade Avoidance Response in Arabidopsis**, M. Hersch*, S. Lorrain*, M. de Wit, M. Trevisan, K. Ljung, S. Bergmann, Ch. Fankhauser, *PNAS*, 2014, 111(17), `open access `_ * **Phytochrome Kinase Substrate 4 is phosphorylated by the phototropin 1 photoreceptor**, Emilie Demarsy, Isabelle Schepens, Koji Okajima, Micha Hersch, Sven Bergmann, John Christie, Ken-Ichiro Shimazaki, Satoru Tokutomi and Ch. Fankhauser, *EMBO Journal*, 2012, 31, pp 3457-3467, `open access `_ * **Nuclear phytochrome A signaling promotes phototropsim in Arabidopsis**, C. Kami, M. Hersch, M. Trevisan, T. Genoud, A. Hiltbrunner, S. Bergmann, and Ch. Fankhauser, *Plant Cell*, 2012, 24(2):566-576. pdf file, `open access `_ Methods in bioinformatics and computer vision -------------------------------------------- * **Estimating RNA dynamics using one time point for one sample in a single-pulse metabolic labeling experiment**, Micha Hersch, Adriano Biasini, Ana C. Marques, Sven Bergmann. *BMC Bioinformatics*, 2022,23:147 `open access `_ * **Distinct levels in Pom1 gradients limit Cdr2 activity and localization to time and position division**, P. Bhatia, O. Hachet*, M. Hersch*, S. Rincon*, M. Berthelot-Grosjean, S. Dalessi, L. Basterra, S. Bergmann, A. Paoletti, S.G. Martin, *Cell Cycle*, 2013, `open access `_ * **Iterative Estimation of Rigid Body Transformations – Application to robust object tracking and Iterative Closest Point** , M. Hersch, A. Billard and S. Bergmann, *Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision* 2012, 43(1):1-9 `open access `_, pdf file * **A dynamical network model of the regulation of the shade avoidance response in Arabidopsis thaliana** , M. Hersch, S. Lorrain, Ch. Fankhauser and S. Bergmann, *Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology*, 2011, pp 73-76. * **Iterative rigid body transformation estimation for visual 3-D object tracking**, M. Hersch, T. Reichert and A. Billard, *Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 08)*, pp 674-677. Cohort studies in human genetics -------------------------------- * **Replication and Characterization of Association between ABO SNPs and Red Blood Cell Triats by Meta-Analysis in Europeans**,S. McLachlan, C. Giambartolomei, J. White, P. Charoen, A. Wong, C. Finan, J. Engmann, T. Shah, M. Hersch, C. Podmore, A. Cavadino, B.J. Jefferis, …, UCLEB Consortium, *PLoS One*, 2016, `open access . `_ * **A Higher Mutational Burden in Females Supports a « Female Protective Model » in Neurodevelopmental Disorders**, S. Jacquemont, BP Coe, M. Hersch, MH Duyzend, N. Krumm, S. Bergmann, JS Beckmann, JA Rosenfeld, EE Eichler, *The American Journal of Human Genetics*, 2014, 94:1-11, `open access `_, pdf file. Featured in The Economist and Le Figaro Magazine. * **New gene functions in megakaryopoiesis and platelet formation**, C. Gieger,[…],M. Hersch, […] and N. Soranzo, *Nature*, 2011, 480, pp 201-208. `link `_. * **Seventy-five genetic loci influencing the human red blood cell**, P. van der Harst, […], M. Hersch, […], and J. Chambers, *Nature*, 2012, 402:369-375, `link `_. Cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence --------------------------------------------- * **A pre-neural goal for Artificial Intelligence**, M. Hersch, in V. Müller (ed.), *Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence* (SAPERE, Berlin: Springer) pp 215-224, pdf file, `link `_ * **Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot**, M. Hersch, PhD Thesis, 2009, `open access `_ . * **L’apprentissage par imitation en robotique articulée**, M. Hersch et Aude Billard, invited paper in the Actes des Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, 2009. * **Dynamical System Modulation for Robot Learning via Kinesthetic Demonstrations**, M. Hersch, F. Guenter, S. Calinon and A. Billard, *IEEE Transactions on Robotics*, 2008, 24, pp. 1463-1467, pdf file , open access . * **Online learning of the body schema**, M. Hersch, E. Sauser and A. Billard, *International Journal of Humanoid Robotics*, 2008, 5, pp. 161-181, pdf file , open access . * **Reaching with Multi-Referential Dynamical Systems**, M. Hersch and A. Billard, *Autonomous Robots*, 2008,25, pp. 71-83, pdf file , official . * **Reinforcement Learning for Imitating Constrained Reaching Movements**, F. Guenter, M. Hersch, S. Calinon and A. Billard, *RSJ Advanced Robotics*, 2007,21, pp. 1521-1544, pdf file, official link * **A Biologically-Inspired Model of Reaching Movements**, M. Hersch and A. Billard, *Proceedings of the IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics*, 2006, pp. 1067-1072, pdf file, official link. * **Learning Dynamical System Modulation for Constrained Reaching Tasks**, M. Hersch, F. Guenter, S. Calinon and A. Billard, *Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots*, 2006, pp. 444-449. * **A Model for Imitating Human Reaching Movements**, M. Hersch and A. Billard, *Proceedings of the Human Robot Interaction Conference*, 2006, pp 341-342. * **Extended Hopfield Network for Sequence Learning: Application to Gesture Recognition**, A. Maurer, M. Hersch and A. Billard, *International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks*, 2005, 3696, pp. 493-498, pdf file, official link. * **Apprentissage de comportements complexes dans le cadre de jeux d’imitation**, M. Hersch, Master thesis, 2004, ENSEA, pdf file. * **Data Driven Speaker and Subword Unit Clustering In Speech Processing**, M. Hersch, Master thesis, 2003, EPFL, pdf file. Miscellaneous ------------- * **TLR3-Mediated CD8+ Dendritic Cell Activation Is Coupled with Establishment of a Cell-Intrinsic Antiviral State**, L. Széles, F. Meissner, I. Dunand-Sauthier, Ch. Thelemann, M. Hersch, S. Singovski, S. Haller, F. Gobet, SA Fuertes Marraco, M. Mann, D. Garcin, H. Acha-Orbea, W. Reith, *Journal of Immunology*, 2015, `official link `_ * **Mapping Genetic Variants Associated with Beta-Adrenergic Responses in Inbred Mice**, Micha Hersch, Bastian Peter, Hyun Min Kang, Fanny Schüpfer, Hugues Abriel, Thierry Pedrazzini, Eleazar Eskin, Jacques S. Beckmann, Sven Bergmann, Fabienne Maurer. *PLoS One*, 2012, 7(7) official link.