Computer science [and] education#
Write like Cicero: Integrating an AI-based Classifier in Ancient Language Teaching for Idiom Acquisition, D. Cavaleri, M. Hersch, A. Kolde, Journal of Classics Teaching, 2024, open acces.
Informatique et durabilité, une difficle transposition didactique, B. de Goër, M. Hersch*, S. Quinton*, Didapro 10, 2024, open access
Modulo, des moyens d’enseignement de l’informatique à visée participative, B. Petreska von Ritter, …, M. Hersch. Petit x, 2023 open access, pdf file .
Informatique scolaire, entre outil pratique et discipline scientifique, M. Hersch, Mémoire de master, 2012, HEP Vaud, pdf file.
Biological self-organization and information processing#
Mechanical forces drive ordered patterning of hair cells in the mammalian inner ear, Roie Cohen, Liat Amir-Zilberstein, Micha Hersch, Shiran Woland, Shahar Taiber, Fumio Matsuzaki, Sven Bergmann, Karen B. Avraham, David Sprinzak. Nature Communications , 2020, open access.
High capacity in G protein-coupled receptor signaling , A Keshelava*, G.P. Solis*, M. Hersch*, A. Koval, M. Kryuchkov, S. Bergmann, V.L. Katanaev, Nature Communications ,2018, open access .
Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning , O. Shaya, U. Binshtok, M. Hersch, D. Rivkin, S. Weinreb, L. Amir-Zilberstein, B. Khamaisi, O. Oppenheimer, R.A. Desai, R.J. Goodyear, G.P. Richardson, C.S. Chen, D. Sprinzak, Developmental Cell, 2017, open access .
Pom1 gradient buffering through intermolecular auto-phosphorylation, M. Hersch*, O. Hachet*, S. Dalessi, P. Bhatia, P.P. Ullal, S. Bergmann, S. Martin, Molecular Systems Biology, 2015, 11(7) open access .
Plant cognition#
Changes in resource partitioning between and within organs support growth adjustment to neighbor proximity in Brassicaceae seedlings, M de Wit*, GM George*, YC Ince, B. Dankwa-Egli, M. Hersch, SC. Zeeman, and Ch. Fankhauser, PNAS, 2018, open access.
Light Intensity Modulates the Regulatory Network of the Shade Avoidance Response in Arabidopsis, M. Hersch*, S. Lorrain*, M. de Wit, M. Trevisan, K. Ljung, S. Bergmann, Ch. Fankhauser, PNAS, 2014, 111(17), open access
Phytochrome Kinase Substrate 4 is phosphorylated by the phototropin 1 photoreceptor, Emilie Demarsy, Isabelle Schepens, Koji Okajima, Micha Hersch, Sven Bergmann, John Christie, Ken-Ichiro Shimazaki, Satoru Tokutomi and Ch. Fankhauser, EMBO Journal, 2012, 31, pp 3457-3467, open access
Nuclear phytochrome A signaling promotes phototropsim in Arabidopsis, C. Kami, M. Hersch, M. Trevisan, T. Genoud, A. Hiltbrunner, S. Bergmann, and Ch. Fankhauser, Plant Cell, 2012, 24(2):566-576. pdf file, open access
Methods in bioinformatics and computer vision#
Estimating RNA dynamics using one time point for one sample in a single-pulse metabolic labeling experiment, Micha Hersch, Adriano Biasini, Ana C. Marques, Sven Bergmann. BMC Bioinformatics, 2022,23:147 open access
Distinct levels in Pom1 gradients limit Cdr2 activity and localization to time and position division, P. Bhatia, O. Hachet*, M. Hersch*, S. Rincon*, M. Berthelot-Grosjean, S. Dalessi, L. Basterra, S. Bergmann, A. Paoletti, S.G. Martin, Cell Cycle, 2013, open access
Iterative Estimation of Rigid Body Transformations – Application to robust object tracking and Iterative Closest Point , M. Hersch, A. Billard and S. Bergmann, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2012, 43(1):1-9 open access, pdf file
A dynamical network model of the regulation of the shade avoidance response in Arabidopsis thaliana , M. Hersch, S. Lorrain, Ch. Fankhauser and S. Bergmann, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, 2011, pp 73-76.
Iterative rigid body transformation estimation for visual 3-D object tracking, M. Hersch, T. Reichert and A. Billard, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 08), pp 674-677.
Cohort studies in human genetics#
Replication and Characterization of Association between ABO SNPs and Red Blood Cell Triats by Meta-Analysis in Europeans,S. McLachlan, C. Giambartolomei, J. White, P. Charoen, A. Wong, C. Finan, J. Engmann, T. Shah, M. Hersch, C. Podmore, A. Cavadino, B.J. Jefferis, …, UCLEB Consortium, PLoS One, 2016, open access .
A Higher Mutational Burden in Females Supports a « Female Protective Model » in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, S. Jacquemont, BP Coe, M. Hersch, MH Duyzend, N. Krumm, S. Bergmann, JS Beckmann, JA Rosenfeld, EE Eichler, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2014, 94:1-11, open access, pdf file. Featured in The Economist and Le Figaro Magazine.
New gene functions in megakaryopoiesis and platelet formation, C. Gieger,[…],M. Hersch, […] and N. Soranzo, Nature, 2011, 480, pp 201-208. link.
Seventy-five genetic loci influencing the human red blood cell, P. van der Harst, […], M. Hersch, […], and J. Chambers, Nature, 2012, 402:369-375, link.
Cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence#
A pre-neural goal for Artificial Intelligence, M. Hersch, in V. Müller (ed.), Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence (SAPERE, Berlin: Springer) pp 215-224, pdf file, link
Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot, M. Hersch, PhD Thesis, 2009, open access .
L’apprentissage par imitation en robotique articulée, M. Hersch et Aude Billard, invited paper in the Actes des Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, 2009.
Dynamical System Modulation for Robot Learning via Kinesthetic Demonstrations, M. Hersch, F. Guenter, S. Calinon and A. Billard, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2008, 24, pp. 1463-1467, pdf file , open access .
Online learning of the body schema, M. Hersch, E. Sauser and A. Billard, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2008, 5, pp. 161-181, pdf file , open access .
Reaching with Multi-Referential Dynamical Systems, M. Hersch and A. Billard, Autonomous Robots, 2008,25, pp. 71-83, pdf file , official .
Reinforcement Learning for Imitating Constrained Reaching Movements, F. Guenter, M. Hersch, S. Calinon and A. Billard, RSJ Advanced Robotics, 2007,21, pp. 1521-1544, pdf file, official link
A Biologically-Inspired Model of Reaching Movements, M. Hersch and A. Billard, Proceedings of the IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006, pp. 1067-1072, pdf file, official link.
Learning Dynamical System Modulation for Constrained Reaching Tasks, M. Hersch, F. Guenter, S. Calinon and A. Billard, Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2006, pp. 444-449.
A Model for Imitating Human Reaching Movements, M. Hersch and A. Billard, Proceedings of the Human Robot Interaction Conference, 2006, pp 341-342.
Extended Hopfield Network for Sequence Learning: Application to Gesture Recognition, A. Maurer, M. Hersch and A. Billard, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2005, 3696, pp. 493-498, pdf file, official link.
Apprentissage de comportements complexes dans le cadre de jeux d’imitation, M. Hersch, Master thesis, 2004, ENSEA, pdf file.
Data Driven Speaker and Subword Unit Clustering In Speech Processing, M. Hersch, Master thesis, 2003, EPFL, pdf file.
TLR3-Mediated CD8+ Dendritic Cell Activation Is Coupled with Establishment of a Cell-Intrinsic Antiviral State, L. Széles, F. Meissner, I. Dunand-Sauthier, Ch. Thelemann, M. Hersch, S. Singovski, S. Haller, F. Gobet, SA Fuertes Marraco, M. Mann, D. Garcin, H. Acha-Orbea, W. Reith, Journal of Immunology, 2015, official link
Mapping Genetic Variants Associated with Beta-Adrenergic Responses in Inbred Mice, Micha Hersch, Bastian Peter, Hyun Min Kang, Fanny Schüpfer, Hugues Abriel, Thierry Pedrazzini, Eleazar Eskin, Jacques S. Beckmann, Sven Bergmann, Fabienne Maurer. PLoS One, 2012, 7(7) official link.